Highly Accurate Land Survey Services
Boundary Survey
Determines property lines and defines true property corners of a parcel of land described in a deed. It can also show the extent of any easements or encroachments on the property.
Mortgage Survey
A document prepared for mortgage companies to show the improvements on a property at the time the mortgage is filed.
FEMA/Flood Certificate
The Flood Elevation Certificate is an important tool of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It is used to certify building elevations if the building is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area in order to:

Mortgage Inspection Report
A Professional Land Surveyor may prepare a Mortgage Inspection Report for the use of a specific client based upon their general knowledge of land boundaries and monuments in a given area. Mortgage Inspection Reports are used to show the improvements on the property at the time a mortgage is filed. Such report shall be prominently labeled ‘Mortgage Inspection Report’ and shall not be designated as, or construed as being, a Land or Boundary Survey.
Legal Description
The description of a property used on deeds and legal documents for conveyance of a property. We can write descriptions without the need of a survey in some cases!
Fence Line Staking
A boundary survey with intermediate points set between corners to make it easy to establish a fence line or determine the property line when the corners are too far apart.
Boundary Survey
Determines property lines and defines true property corners of a parcel of land described in a deed. It also indicates the extent of any easements or encroachments on the property.
Topographic Survey
Gathers data about the elevation of points on a piece of land and presents them as contour lines on a drawing.
ALTA Survey
A detailed survey that shows the boundaries of the property, location of improvements on the subject property and additional information set forth on the ALTA documents to write exception to title insurance.
Subdivision Platting
The process of splitting a tract of land into smaller parcels, roads, easements and dedications.
As-built Survey
Shows any and all improvements or any other information pertinent to the engineer or architect who requested the as-built.

Design Survey
Location of certain features for the use of designing new infrastructure or additional equipment.
Construction Staking
Staking benchmarks, offsets or grade stakes on other points to get the site constructed.
Oil Well Staking
Staking proposed wells along with plans to file with the State.
Pipeline Staking
Staking the location of the pipeline and easement along with plats to determine footages for payout.
Right of Way Staking
Road right of ways or utility line right of ways.